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Study the practice of cultivation from a cross-disciplinary perspective
The greatest fear is that of letting go
Not because it is hard to do, but because there is not even a slightest assumption in the acquired mind that it is possible. One is hardwired to hold on. To this dear life, to others, to body and mind.
There is a common misconception whereby people, when speaking of their soul's purpose, equate it with higher spiritual direction of their existence. To deconstruct this entanglement, I address the Daoist model of 'Five Spirits’.
These days Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a widespread diagnostic category. According to certain classification systems, such as Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), it encompasses wide range of phenomena, including memory loss, somatisation, mood swings, impaired cognitive function, addiction and more.

Every person has a desire for the highest. Even when all the needs of the mind and body are satisfied, something draws a person deeper, beyond the known and conditioned. This is the desire to transcend the shackles of perishable psychophysical existence. This is the desire for the Spirit. Every religion has symbolised this desire in the figures of their prophets, prayers, rituals and formed systems of practices that allow this desire to be realised. No religion is right or final. Each of them is simply a means for the embodiment of a person's highest potential. None of them contains this potential, since they are only a system of practices, narratives and symbols. The potential is contained within each one of us.
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