Study the intricacies of subjectivity, psychoanalytic theory, cultivation process, and gain an interdisciplinary perspective on the arts of embodiment.
Study the Intricacies of Subjectivity, Psychoanalytic Theory, Cultivation Process, and Gain Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Arts of Embodiment
The Theory program includes two courses consisting of video lectures and talks
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History of Psychoanalysis
Theory of the Drive
The Mirror Stage
Oedipus Complex
There are also lectures that cover advancements on psychoanalytic theory and praxis from Evgenii’s interdiscioplinary research contribution to the field:

Objet a
Fundamental Fantasy
Psychoanalysis and Cultivation
The Borromean Knot
Neurotic Subjectivity
The Subject of the Unconscious
Psychotic Subjectivity
Autistic Subjectivity
Discourse Theory
Work with(in) the Real
Perverted Subjectivity
Foundations of Psychoanalytic Theory
Here you will find detailed lectures covering the foundational concepts and working principles of Lacanian psychoanalytic praxis, including the following topics:

Contingency of Master Signifiers
Symptom Structure and the Five Hindrances
The Ego
Critique of Psychoanalysis
Psychic Causality
The Subject of Emptiness
Free Association
Grief, Mourning and Melancholia
Difference in Methods (of Spiritual Practice)
Qigong and Subjective Destitution
Anxiety in the Real and the Gradual Path
Two Kinds of Delusion (within Neurosis and Psychosis respectively)
Interdisciplinarity within Cultivation
This section contains theoretical materials covering the field of cultivation from the standpoint of cross-referential critique and practical insight developed by Evgenii to date. Materials here include:

Cultivation Theory
Spiritual Delusion
Subjective Structure and Wuxing (Five Elements)
‘Being Myself’ and True Refuge
Missing Piece of Cultivation
Difference between Qigong and Therapy
Differentiating between Psyche, Soul and Spirit
Uncreated Joy
Five Spiritual Faculties
Praxis and Theory
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Embodiment of the Real
Applying the Noble Eightfold Path of the Buddha as a method I seek to alleviate and integrate these psychophysical processes, primarily via practices of insight meditation and movement arts – taijiquan, parkour, martial arts, swimming and movement improvisation.

This thesis provides phenomenological accounts pertaining to subjectivity in the form of creative writings describing my personal experience in undertaking the above practices. In addition to that, videos of movement practices and performances are to be provided as creative works.
In Lacanian psychoanalysis the Real stands for a register of the psyche that resists symbolisation. It may erupt through contingent traumatic events, unbearable bodily intensities, anxiety, or death. How is one able to process these painful events? Here, I refer to the tragic event of my father’s brain stroke, which turned him half-paralysed, our family breakdown and subsequent passing of both of my parents.

This interdisciplinary practice-based research seeks to properly understand the above sorrowful events of eruption of the Real. My goal is to establish a plane of knowledge that allows viewing the psychophysical processes of encountering the Real positively, and to develop skilful means of integrating it into the subject’s life.

Interdisciplinary Study of Subjectivity, Trauma and Spiritual Cultivation
The Forsaken Horizon
Foundations of spiritual practice within Theravadin Buddhist and Quanzhen Daoist traditions with reference to Lacanian psychodiagnostics
The first part of this book shows how the Lacanian psychoanalytic theory of subjectivity can nuance, complement, and be nuanced by the Theravadin Buddhist way of training the mind. In particular, four subjective structures: neurotic, perverted, psychotic and autistic, are differentiated and elaborated upon in hindsight of cultivation methods applicable to them.

The second part focuses on how the Quanzhen Daoist approach to developing the body and Qi can prepare any subject for spiritual cultivation. All three traditions are examined with cross-referential critique in order to highlight the virtue of skilful interdisciplinary practice, which is quite different from simply mixing the systems.
As an insider to all three traditions, I present a practice-oriented outlook, rather than academic research, so that other practitioners may enrich their methods. Non-practitioners can also find the book accessible since the theory is unpacked gradually in comprehensive terms.

The exposition includes a critique of the mainstream mental health care field from the standpoint of the above traditions. It concludes with the outline and ways of dealing with the main hindrance on the path of cultivation – spiritual delusion.